GMT is the Greenwich meridian time otherwise known as Universal time (UTC), this is the time that every other time zone is coordinated by. GMT is also the time used by the UK in the winter.
BST is British Summer time, BST is 1 hour ahead of GMT, therefore it sometimes written as GMT+1. This is the time that the UK uses during the summer, after the clocks are moved forward an hour.
British Summer Time is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. British Summer Time is in effect from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a time standard that is used worldwide. It is based on the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. GMT does not change with the seasons, so it does not observe daylight saving time.
GMT in GMT watches means Greenwich Mean Time. These watches are available from these stores, among others: Bloomingdales, Zappos, JomasShop and ebay. Greenwich Mean Time is a global time standard, that is the time from which other time zones around the world are measured.
It was 02:56 UTC when Apollo 11 landed. Which was 03:56 BST
The Sky's real.
To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.
GMT + 1 hr. = BST (spring ahead)
Ireland and Scotland are both in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone, so there is no time difference between the two countries. However, during Daylight Saving Time, both countries switch to British Summer Time (BST), which is GMT+1.
Germany is always one hour ahead of Scotland. 1200 GMT = 1300 CET 1300 BST = 1400 CEST
London time is typically the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) during the winter months. However, during Daylight Saving Time, London follows British Summer Time (BST), which is GMT+1. This means that there is a one-hour difference between London time and GMT during this period.
3.00 pm BST is 7.00 pm in Pakistan. Pakistan is 4 hours ahead of British Summer Time (BST).
Manila is 8 hours ahead of GMT (7 hours ahead during BST)
Cape Verde is one hour behind GMT, year round. Thus, in the winter, it is one hour behind England (GMT); in the summer, Cape Verde is two hours behind England (BST).
During Daylight Saving Time, the time difference between British Summer Time (BST) and Los Angeles time is 8 hours, with LA being 8 hours behind BST. However, when BST ends and reverts back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the time difference becomes 7 hours instead.
From the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October, London is one hour ahead of Reykjavík. During the rest of the year there is no time difference between London and Reykjavík. When it's 12 noon GMT in Reykjavík it's either 12 noon GMT or 1 PM BST in London.
Depending on which Eastern Time you are referring to and whether or not summer time is in effect in London, it could be 8 AM GMT, 9 AM BST, 9 AM GMT, 10 AM BST, 11 PM GMT, 12 AM BST, 12 AM GMT or 1 AM BST.
The time difference between Bangladesh Standard Time (BST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is typically +6 hours. Bangladesh is usually 6 hours ahead of GMT.