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The .22 magnum is more powerful, longer and a larger diameter than the .22lr. The magnumcartridge does not use the "heel seated" bullet of the .22 LR, and USUALLY has jacketed bullets. The full name is .22 WMRF (Winchester magnum rim fire) and they do NOT interchange with .22 LR. There have been a few revolvers built with two different cylinders to permit switching between LR and Magnum.

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Q: What is the difference between 22 caliber LR vs 22 magnum?
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What is the difference between a 22 mag and a 22 cal?

Length of the case. <><><> Despite the similar names, .22 Magnum also has a slightly larger diameter than a caliber 22. LR cartridge.

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22 is a rimfire, 222 is a centerfire.

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The .22 bullet is smaller than the 9mm in size, (about 6mm) and is lighter in weight.

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22LR high velocity - MV= 1260 fps 17 HMR MV= 2550 fps A lot faster, huh?

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The Magnum case is actually just ever so slightly wider, longer, and holds relatively a lot more powder.

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The .22 caliber bullet is ABOUT .22 inches wide. A .32 bullet is about .32 inches wide. The bullet will also be heavier due to size.

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DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER TRY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It depends on what you mean. Strictly speaking, a .223 cartridge has a .22 caliber bullet, but when people say .22, they are usually referring to .22 Short, Long Rifle, or Magnum cartridge, which is different than .223.