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Q: What is the difference between 1968 and 3000?
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How do you tell the difference between howa 3000 and smith and Wesson 3000?

The markings.

What is the difference between psp 3000 and 3004?

There is no difference,it's only the model number.The European version is 3000 where as in Asia it is 3004.

What is the difference between 2008 and 1968?

40 years

When was the first Ford 3000 sold?

The first Ford 3000 was sold in 1968. It is a tractor and runs on diesel. The Ford 3000 model was sold from 1968 until 1975. the original 1968 price was $6,300.

What is the difference between a PSP lite and a PSP 3000?

The two major differences are: 1. 3000 has a built-in microphone!!! 2. 3000 has an anti-glare screen!!!

How many years difference between 2004 and 1968?

2004 - 1968 = 4 years

What is the difference between PSP 3000 and PSP 3001?

the 3000 and 3001 are the same but the 3000 is japan, 3001 is US. the last one or two digits is just the region

What is the diffrence between a PSP and a PSP 3000?

there isn't a difference. its just like the i pods. there is a gen. 1000 a gen. 2000 and a gen 3000. but if ur talking the difference between a psp gen. 3000 or a psp go then the psp go is smaller. u have to have online for it. and u cant buy regular game disks for it.

What is the difference between the PSP core 2000 and the PSP 3000?

The PSP 3000 is a LITTLE slimmer and it automatically comes with PlayStation Network The Software is also higher

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What is the difference between the PSP-3000 the and the Silver PSP slim?

actually the psp 3000 came out after the psp slim but the only dfference i know is that it has better picture quality.

What is the difference between a psp 3000 and 3004?

The difference is the Region, which is important when playing UMD movies, but games are region-free so should be ok. PSP-3000 is the generic name for that model, but one marked with -3000 on the bottom is a Japanese one, while -3004 is a European one.