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about .10 inches! Hahaha! Seriously, the caliber of a bullet is actually the diameter across the nose of a bullet, so a .22 is 22/100ths of an inch across, whereas a .32 is 32/100ths of an inch across. Bullet weight typically increases with ratio to diameter (at least with handgun rounds), so the .32 ACP is a larger, heavier bullet that travels more slowly and is probably more likely to stop an attacker than a .22 LR, although the .22 is vastly superior as a varmit hunting round because of its long range and accuracy. As a personal defense weapon, both of them would probably be considered inferior to a sharp stick, since a .22 does very little tissue damage as bounces off large bones, and a .32 can be slowed down to negligible power by a heavy leather jacket! Of course, merely having a gun will usually deter an attacker without a gun, and bullet placement is more important than what you are shooting with. Hope that helps.

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