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This would be a Davis Arms .22 Caliber Derringer.

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Q: Davis 22 derringer 022
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What is the value of a Davis Derringer pistol magnum 2 shot?

Manual for Davis derringer model dm22 cal 22 mag?

The maker of your Derringer is no longer in business. Sorry-

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Where can you get parts for a Davis derringer 22 mag?

contact: They have the parts in stock

How much is Davis industries d-22 derringer worth?

25-100 or so

What is the value of a 22 caliber derringer made by Davis Industries?

25-65 USD or so

What is the value of a Davis D-22 derringer hand gun in chrome?

15-50 USD

Can other 22 rounds be fired in a Davis derringer 22mag?

Only use ammunition that is labeled on the barrel of the derringer. Never try to use anything else. If it says 22 Mag, then ONLY use 22 Mag.

What is the value of a derringer 2 shot 22 lr cal made by Davis?

10-100 usd

What is the value of a derringer 2 shot 25 magnum pistol made by Davis?

There is no .25 Magnum. There IS a .22 magnum, made by Davis, and a .25 ACP. Value is about $50-$75.

Is 022 more then 2.2?

In the context of numerical values, 022 is equivalent to 22 because the leading zero does not change the value of the number. Therefore, 022 is greater than 2.2 because 22 is greater than 2.2 when compared as whole numbers. The presence of the decimal point in 2.2 signifies a fractional or decimal value, making it less than the whole number 22 represented by 022.

Information on DM-22 cal 22 mag?

Davis Industries, California, began operations in 1982. Among other firearms, they made a .22 magnum derringer type pistol. In 1990, a safety recall was made on the derringer due to wear on a part. The firm was sued out of existence in 1998. The design continues in the Cobra brand derringers, and parts will interchange between the two.