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stress is a major reason for early menstruation. but also at a certain age, the frequency between periods start fluctuating considerably, making them extremely difficult or even impossible to track.

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Q: What is the cause of an early menstrual cycle?
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A pap smear will not change the timing of your menstrual cycle.

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You can't make your period come on early, your period will only start when it is due to start. You cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to cause menstruation to start earlier, it just doesn't work like that.

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Yes. Just happened to me; stress in general can cause an early/missed/late period because your emotions are tied into your hormones.

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How do you get early period?

You can't get your period any earlier than when it is due.Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to menstruate earlier than when you're due.

Making menstrual come on early?

You cant make menstruation start earlier than it is due to start. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, you can't skip phases of your cycle or speed-up your cycle to start menstruation early.

Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

How do you make your menstrual cycle come on early?

You can't make your menstrual cycle start earlier than it is supposed to start. Menstrual cycles are controlled by a domino effect of hormonal changes, you can't speed-up or skip phases of your cycle.

Can cough medicine cause your period to come early?

No, cough medicine cannot cause your period to come early - how would it?When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, a hormonal domino affect between your brain and reproductive organs, cough medicine cannot change your menstrual cycle.