Well considering a crutch is a walking utensil. however you like :P
if you know her really well, and ur together... slowly.
if u barely know her... DONT DO IT AT ALL!!!! she will get really creeped...
The best way is to rub ketchup!
Use peanut butter to rub it out.
Wet your fist, and rub her clitoris with your nuckles.
Well, you put them in the water and rub them with your fingers. :-)
start to rub but dab aswell
every girl is different. therefore, girls like it best when they have it their own way.
Wet a washcloth and rub it or get a washcloth and put a tad bit of rubbing alcohol on it and rub it in circular motions.
The best way to be good with girls it to treat them with respect and kindness.
rub some body oil on yourself and seductively rub it on the dog. make sure to thoroughly wash the undercarriage of the dog
1)Girls take a finger and put it in the middle of their pussy and rub it.......That's how they do it.......Well its complicated to explaine because i am not a girl.......But that's somewat of how they do it.....I mean mansturbate........... .. . 2) Masturbating the best way is explore your vagina with your finger the find your clitoris/clit them rub it slowly them keep rubbing it until your clit is hard is like an erection it becomes hard is best when you wet it with saliva or a little gel like KY gel keep rubbing and putting your finger in your vagina at the same time or a vibrator and you can achieve an orgasm all by yourself I'm a women.
you should rub it in your testicles and then its very tasy after its been done
Rub You the Right Way was created on 1990-03-13.