Wet a washcloth and rub it or get a washcloth and put a tad bit of rubbing alcohol on it and rub it in circular motions.
I got my tatoo off pretty easily rubbing it with burts bees and nail polish remover. It was a litttle red in that area for about an hour but not you cant even tell i had a tatto their!
Generally any shop will charge $50 min for any small tattoo, but when considering cost the artist will look at size, placement on the body, colors, and details in the work itself. So generally the best way to get an idea of cost is to have a copy of the print you want in the size and take it to several reputable shops.
It should go all the way to the dermis! Which is the second layer of skin.
The way to make a living by doing airbrush tattoos is to have a professional airbrush tattoo business system and a positive and friendly attitude. There are many events like birthday parties and beach events that would love to hire airbrush tattoo artists. Web advertising helps as well to get the name of the airbrush tattoo business out there.
Gerard Way does not have a tattoo. He is deathly afraid of needles.
There is no removal cream. The only way to remove a tattoo is by Laser treatments.
Outside In has low cost tattoo removal $25 or $50 per session for low income applicants. They use a laser, which is the best way to remove a tattoo. Doctors do the procedure, and they are all excellent.
You need to rephrase the question and sate where the tattoo is.
The most painless way is probably to cover the tattoo with another tattoo.
Vitamin E oil
the best way to remove trojan is anti virus programs but watch out some anti virus is fake the best anti malware and anti virus is avg bitdefender kaspersky and malwarebytes anti malware
Not to get it at all.. Horrible idea! It's like a tattoo so only way is the same ways you could possibly remove a tattoo.
with a tattoo machine. this question is entirely too vague. go get an apprenticeship and ask your teacher.
bio oil or surgery ANSWER: There are a lot of natural and surgical methods to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but unfortunately, removing it "completely" is not possible. For natural...
the best way is to "laser" it away, but this is a slow and painfull proces
There is no single best way to remove all stains. The best way to remove a protein stain is with cold water and OxyClean. The best way to remove a dye stain is to use bleach if the fabric can handle it. Try looking up the best way to remove your specific stain.