I got my tatoo off pretty easily rubbing it with burts bees and nail polish remover. It was a litttle red in that area for about an hour but not you cant even tell i had a tatto their!
Laser surgery.
the best tattoo shop in ..is...........?
Steve Byrne at Rock of Ages Tattoo in Austin
The cost of getting rid of your tattoo is all over the place there are no exact figures BUT there is one big factor:you will spend a lot or little if you dont do your homework
You can get rid of unwanted tattoos with the help of laser Tattoo Removal in Punjab, There's this clinic called Profile Cosmetic Surgery Centre, that provides precise tattoo removal treatments at the most affordable prices.
Permanent makeup is a tattoo, so the only way to get rid of it is to have it lasered off.
You need to rephrase the question and sate where the tattoo is.
Not to get it at all.. Horrible idea! It's like a tattoo so only way is the same ways you could possibly remove a tattoo.
What is the best way to get rid of rough spots on pool steps??
There is no removal cream. The only way to remove a tattoo is by Laser treatments.
Laser surgery.
you go to the street then click the tattoo booth , then click remove tattoo:)
Vitamin E oil
Kill ITWhat is the best way to get rid of rough spots on pool steps??The Karelian Bear Dog might work.Pop itnothe best way getting rid of miceis to put glue mats where the holes are. get mothballs which they hate the smell of.The best way to get rid of a calus is to file it off with a nail file
NO! if you intending to get rid of the tattoo that way it wouldn't work it would only cause freeze burn after a long period...
with a tattoo machine. this question is entirely too vague. go get an apprenticeship and ask your teacher.