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== == == == * There are several things you can do to help someone quit smoking. No matter what you do, encourage them at every step along the way. Encouragement and personal support, according to the CDC, makes a smoker 50 percent more likely to succeed. How should you encourage them? Follow the Trans theoretical Model of Change (Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992). Knowing where your smoking peers or family are can help you provide pointed encouragement. Understand behavior change:Behavior change happens over six stages, and your goal is to help them move into the next phase--except for stage 6: Precontemplation - In this stage, a person doesn't think anything is wrong with his behavior. (Encourage them to think about it). 1)2)Contemplation - Acknowledge that a problem exists. (Encourage them to consider options that exist to change their behavior). 3)Preparation - There is at least a loose commitment to change. (Encourage them by repeating their stated goals. Tell them you believe they can do it. Offer to assist them if necessary). 4) Action - They are taking action to change their behavior. (Cheer them on as they accomplish their goals. Tell them how good they're doing and be available for them). 5) Maintenance - The behavior has changed to their goal behavior. Some stay here permanently. (Check in periodically to see how their doing. Keep poisonous behaviors and triggers at bay). 6) Relapse or Lapse - They return to their old behavior fully or partially. (Help them focus on what they've accomplished, not their failures. Talk about how next time can be different). For more information on helping someone quit smoking, visit It's a nonprofit site dedicated to helping non-smokers (and smokers) help in the fight against tobacco.

* There is nothing you can do to motivate someone else to quit any habit. All you can do is be there and be sympathetic without enabling and do nothing to perpetuate their habit. It is solely up to them. == == * The smoker has to pick their own time. By harping at them every time they turn around exasperates them and doesn't help one bit. Cancer is also caused by genetics, the environment in which we live (asbestos, paint that had lead in it, gases from WWII, etc.) Although smoking certainly isn't good for one it can't be blamed for everything. When and if your friend decides to quit smoking then that is the time to encourage them.

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15y ago
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15y ago

My friends that used to smoke said that they bought a guide online and it helped them stop in around a week. I'll link to it below... Also they used to always try patches that never helped so I wouldn't recommend the patches to you. I wish the best for you!


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15y ago

There are many ways, all of which work for different people. You can try nicotine patches, puffers, going cold turkey, joining a help group or even hypnotism.

When you get to the point that one is to many and a million is not enough, it is time.

I personally found only one way to quit. First you must decide to quit. Once you stop be very careful to keep your mouth clean. Either brush your teeth or get the breath sprays, do NOT chew gum or start eating mints. The idea is to stop putting things in your mouth. As a smoker knows, you will get a particular taste in your mouth and you will automatically want to light up again. Be aware of that and be ready with the tooth brush and sprays, they really do help. Stay out of places that allow smoking or there are others smokers. Be determined and don't give up just because you had a weak moment. Every hour counts. Good luck you can do it.

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13y ago

You can't make someone quit smoking. Who are you anyway to suggest that it's your right to make someone quit? But i digress, all you can do is offer them support if they are willing to quit, support includes not smoking around them, and talking with them when they feel they need to smoke. Again a person will never be able to quit if they don't want to.

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11y ago

There is no "best" way to stop smoking. There are, however, a variety of different ways that have worked for different people. While some are capable of quitting "cold turkey," others have found weening, nicotine patches, hypnosis, or medication to be effective.

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14y ago

you can buy nicotine gum and try not to get too stressed. tell yourself that every cigarette makes you more and more unhealthy. remember smoking kills

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14y ago

1) (and most importantly) you need a strong will power. 2)you can have water instead of smoking 3) homeopathic is known to be helpful

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14y ago

One of my friends hide their moms cigerattes and she said that cut then down a little .Or just talk to them

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13y ago

If you continue smoking, you could die. Isn't that good enough?

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15y ago

Most ways are unfortunately low success, but try nicotine replacement, Zyban, and Chantix. Whatever you do, don't go cold turkey. The success rate for this is near zero.

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Someone that is looking for information on how to quit smoking can use the website Canadian Lung Association. On this site one can find information on what smoking does to their lungs, different ways to quit smoking, and support for anyone that is looking to quit smoking.

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The best way to learn how to quit smoking cigarettes is to set a quitting date. Other ways to learn how to quit smoking are drink herbal tea instead of smoking, make an appointment with an acupuncturist, switch to decaf until cigarette free for two months and find a healthy snack food to eat often.

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One can find smoking facts from the following sites to help someone to quit smoking; Smoking-Facts, American Lung Association, Listverse, and Getselfhelp.

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The Best Way to Quit Smoking - 2012 was released on: USA: 30 May 2012 (internet)

where can i get help to quit smoking?

You can get in touch with someone to help you quit smoking in a variety of ways. You can talk to your doctor, and he or she can help you get on a quit smoking plan and help you locate local groups to help you. You can also contact the heart and stroke foundation. You can also go to and find information on how to quit smoking.

Where to find tips to quit smoking?

There are many medications that can be prescribed to aid someone in their quest to quit smoking. Another option is the electronic cigarette, which still gives one the illusion of smoking.

How do you avoid lips getting black while smoking?

quit smoking... the best remedy.

Someone who suddenly stops smoking is said to quit how?

cold turkey

Collect a Lot of Quit Smoking Tips?

There's no one silver bullet piece of magical advice when it comes to quitting smoking. Your best bet is really to collect a lot of quit smoking tips from everybody you know who has successfully quit smoking in the past. By applying a dozen different strategies and seeing what works, you can come up with a quit smoking plan that works best for you, involving just the best pieces of everyone else's ideas and advice.

What is the best and most effective way to quit smoking?

The best way to quit smoking is through counseling. This is always a pretty nebulous term, but there are quit lines across America (1-800-QUIT-NOW). What theyll do is give you coaching "one-on-one personalized, individualized coaching to help you to quit.