Slowly go into the topic and then just in a like a joke way and ask her
sakura, naruto, sakon
ask yourself questions while cobering notes
Exactly the same way you marry the opposite sex: have a really good relationship with someone and then propose. But obviously with a member of the same sex.
ask a friend look at the Daley growl. Or from toys cards and much much more. But the best way is to look it up.
ask her if she wants to have sex, if she doesnt, shes a waste of your time:)
Ask her if she wants to do lunch.
Best way is to ask him
Hopefully you know the girl well enough that this question won't be totally out of the blue. The best way is to work up to it slowly and be polite. And if she says no or isn't ready, listen!
the best way is to tell her your mind especially when you people find yourself in a room and she is proving hard or she dose not like sex.
It depends on the girl and the situation. Ideally, you are in a relationship with the girl and the two of you can discuss it; however, if you are just attracted to a girl and want to have sex with her, it is probably best not to say anything unless you want to risk being told no way. There really are no words to say unless you just come out and ask.
Answer There is no best way to ask anyone out. You have to come up with your own plan and then go for it. hi
The same way a guy would ask out a girl approach her and tell her that you like her if she is straight then she might not be interested but you never know till you try.
ask them orrr.................. well nvm just ask them that's the best way
send her a note
can i have your number
It depends on the girl. The best way to find out is just to ask her.