The best time to take your diabetic pill depends on the tpye of medicine you take. The medicine metformin you take two times daily.
I don't recommend any AZO products for men.
If you took your pill earlier, there is no additional risk of pregnancy. If you're on the combination pill you can take your next pill at the usual time or the new early time. If you're on the progestin only pill, take your next pill within three hours of the time you took today's pill.
This varies in every women. It's best if you stick to the same time everyday but take the pill no later than 4 hours.
Yes, you can take the birth control pill at any time of the day when you feel sure you can remember consistently.
Yes, that's the perfect way to change the time you take your pill.
assuming you are referring to the inert pills in a pack of 28 day birth control pills, you take the pill to keep you used to taking the pill so you wont forget when its time to take the pill pill again
If you forgot to take your normal birth control pill then this is a good time to take the MAP if you had unprotected sex.
You can take them at the same time. Antibiotics do not affect the morning after pill.
Dear Reader; Ignor the time change and just follow the plan that works best for you. Dwight
ANSWER: by mouth.