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Diets that work fast: fastest diet plans for quick results

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s easy to think diets that work fast are the way forward. Quick and easy, many promise maximum weight loss in minimum time.

But the more extreme weight loss methods often promote unhealthy weight loss ideas and can end up causing more problems than creating solutions in the long run. As advice from the NHS says, “If you’re trying to lose weight, the safe weekly rate of weight loss is between 0.5kg and 1kg. That’s between around 1lb and 2lb a week. Lose weight faster than this and you’re at risk of health problems that include malnutrition and gallstones, as well as feeling tired and unwell.”

These are the diets that work fast

When trying to lose weight, whatever the diet you choose, establishing a calorie deficit is a “great place to start”. Constantinos Yiallouros, the head of fitness at Anytime Fitness UK, says, “Without expending more calories than you take in, you’re unlikely to lose weight and achieve the results that you want.

“There are simple tools online for you to calculate the number of calories that your body needs to maintain your weight. From then, you need to set yourself an achievable deficit which you can attain from your food consumption and your physical activity. There’s no one size fits all approach but in general, the rule of thumb is that by having a daily deficit of 500 calories, it should result in one pound of weight loss per week.”

1. High protein diet plan

High protein diets work fast – and more easily than others. Studies from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that a higher intake of protein increases the level of fullness you feel. This is because protein works to increase the hormones GLP-1, peptide YY and cholecystokinin and decrease the ghrelin hormone, which causes hunger. It also works to increase your metabolic rate while sleeping.

Foods that are high in protein are also easily-accessible, with plenty of high protein breakfast ideas out there. This diet doesn’t require a special plan either, other than the standard calorie deficit if you’re looking for optimum weight loss. Foods with a particularly high protein count include:

Eggs (6g of protein per egg)

Nuts, especially almonds (6g of protein per 28g)

Chicken (53g of protein per chicken breast)

Oats (11g of protein per 128g)

Lean beef (25g of protein per 85g)

Tuna (27g of protein per 142g)

Lentils (18g of protein per 198g)

Greek yogurt (17g of protein per 170g)

There are many diets that revolve around this idea with The Dukan Diet being one of the most popular high-protein plans out there.

2. Detox diet plan

‘Detoxing’ is a buzz word in the diet and wellness industry. While many people immediately associate detoxing with green juices, kale smoothies and a lack of ‘real’ food, it doesn’t have to be that way. The body naturally takes itself through a detox with processes in the liver and kidneys, but the addition of more macronutrients, vitamins and minerals in your diet will help the journey along. More fruits and vegetables have also been linked to better skin, an improvement in hair growth and more energy day-to-day – as well as weight loss.

Some of the best foods to eat on a detox include those that include high amounts of protein, B vitamins, vitamin E and C, magnesium, selenium and zinc. These include affordable, accessible and versatile foods such as potatoes, wholemeal toast, yogurt, eggs, green and fibrous vegetables, lentils and chickpeas.

As all these foods are also low in calories, you’re more likely to be able to get into your calorie deficit as well and stay full in the meantime. As the foods are lower in calories, you can have more of them without exceeding your target for the day.

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The best rapid weight loss diet is to just cut out sugar in your diet. Sugar ads more weight to people then they realize and it is in more food then people realize. If you cut out sugar permanently then you will be able to maintain your weight loss. Healthy food no longer tastes bad. Just find good tasting healthy food and cut out sugar and you will be fine.

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Lose Weight Fast: Rapid Weight Loss Diets?

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Why Rapid Weight Loss Diets Don't Produce Long Term Results?

Rapid weight loss diets can be good for short term weight loss, but are not sustainable in the long term. If you do try a quick weight loss method, follow up with a healthy long-term eating plan to keep the weight off. Trying to stay on a fast weight loss diet for a long time is unhealthy. This is because such diets usually do not provide enough nutrients to sustain essential physical functions. In some cases, they don't even provide enough calories to live on for the long term. The best way to lose weight is always to eat a well-rounded diet with proper portion sizes.

Is A Rapid Weight Loss Diet Right For You?

A rapid weight loss diet can seem like a tempting option for anyone who wants to lose weight in order to fit into a dress or look good in a bikini. While these diets can often deliver on the promise they offer of quick weight loss, they don't generally do much to help you keep it off long term. Consider whether you want a short term gain for a specific event or a long term improvement that will last when you decide whether a rapid weight loss diet is for you. Long term weight loss works best when it is slow and steady.

Where can I locate a list of diets for weight loss that have been proven to work?

You may take a look at,,

Which rapid weight loss diets are effective?

Rapid weight loss is not safe or effective. Rapid weight loss is the loss of water and muscle mass from the body, not fat, and this "weight" is quickly gained back. The only way to lose weight is by burning more calories than are consumed, and this means ramping up daily exercise. You can put together a healthy eating plan at Check out for ideas on how to incorporate more activities into your schedule.

Will juicing help my weight loss go faster?

Does juicing aid with weight loss? The claim that juicing promotes weight loss is unsupported by official research. Anecdotal data suggests that juice diets, particularly when they are extremely low in calories, may cause rapid weight loss in the short term.

What are a few well known quick weight loss diets?

The Atkins diet can cause rapid weight loss in the first fortnight if the individual restricts their intake of carbohydrates to below 20g a day. The Dukan diet can also lead to quick weight loss.

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Rapid weight loss is not necessarily unhealthy but the thing about loosing weight quick is that you might not have formed the habits or learned to eat in a way that will keep the weight off and end up back where you started. They call them yo-yo diets for a reason.

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