

Best Answer

1. ios functions returns value while manipulators does not.

2.we can not create own ios functions while we can create our own manipulators.

3.ios functions are single and not possible to be combined while manipulators are possible to be applied in chain.

4.ios function needs <iostream> while manipulators needs <iomanip>

5.ios functions are member functions while manipulators are non-member functions.

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Q: What is the basic difference between manipulators and ios member function in implementation?
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We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.

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The print function is slightly more dynamic than the echo function by returning a value, and the echo function is slightly (very slightly) faster. The printf function inserts dynamic variables/whatever into wherever you want with special delimiters, such as %s, or %d. For example, printf('There is a difference between %s and %s', 'good', 'evil') would return 'There is a difference between good and evil'.

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I will explain in the easiest way the difference between the function and recursive function in C language. Simple Answer is argument of the function is differ but in the recursive function it is same:) Explanation: Function int function(int,int)// function declaration main() { int n; ...... ...... n=function(a,b); } int function(int c,int d) { ...... ...... ...... } recursive Function: int recursive(int,int)// recursive Function declaration main() { int n; ..... ..... ..... ..... n=recursive(a,b); } int recursive(int a,int b) { ..... .... .... .... } Carefully see, In the recursive Function the function arguments are same.

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