The average cost for installing ceramic tiles in Louisville KY is $10 to $21 per square foot. It is advisable to inquire the cost from different contractors when looking for one.
3.50 per sq. ft.
4 to 5.00 per sf
average in southeast is around $5 per square foot anything better than that is a good deal
Depends on several factors: Type of tile Sub-flooring Straight Lay/Offset Angle, Pattern Size of Job
If we are just talking about the tiles themselves, here in the Cleveland Ohio are for a 12x12 inch tile it can vary from $.57 up to $1.90
The average cost for removing and installing a radiator in a 2005 freightliner would be between $100 and $300.
Depends where ya live. In MIchigan Its $5 to 8 a square ft. that's just labor. Ya get what ya pay for. It also depends if its walls or floors, what prep work needs to be done.If the floor is level,ect. Some companies have a standard price for 3 walls over a tub,or backsplash's What is the cost of installing ceramic tile in Dallas Tx?
cause it is
about 1.2 million dollars.
3.50 per sq. ft.
cost of labor installing fiber ends
45 to 65 cents a sq ft
4 to 5.00 per sf
Hand painted ceramic masks cost around $20-$110. The average price for these masks are $45. These masks have been around for over hundreds of years.
The cost of installing a central air unit in a 1,563 foot ranch depends greatly on the area, the installing company, and the type of unit chosen for the dwelling. The average cost in the United States, with labor included, is $6,000.
The average cost in Michigan is $3/$5 persqft. Depending on prep,tear up, and tile design