

Best Answer

Best bet is to phone the local studios in your area.

Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"

  1. All Body Piercing studios are regulated and work under regional and local health and city licensing regulations. What you may want may not be legal in your area so call and check with your local studios.
  2. Age limits can vary from city to city and state/province to state/province, contact your local body piercing studios (under the yellow pages "Body Piercing" ) they will tell you what the age limits are for your area.
  3. Identification is aways needed (Birth certificate, Student card, Drivers license) Parental consent is consent from the legal parents (Mother or Father). Grand parents, Sister, Brother, Second Cousin twice removed doesn't cut it sorry. Unless they are your legal guardians assigned by the courts and have documented proof or this, it just won't work.
  4. Prices for piercings vary from shop to shop and city to city. Be sure you phone and ask them what the total price is including any *aftercare solutions they may try to sell you (* Professional body piercing studios won't try to sell you aftercare solution, they will recommend cleansers and soaps but that's it if you want it they will sell it but they will not force you to buy it.)
  5. Do your research, check these places out and find a studio that you are comfortable with, talk to the piercer and discuss you wishes. If at any time you feel like you are being ignored or rushed leave, find somewhere else. Good shops will be busy, but they will also want you to book your appointment, this way they have there full attention on you not everyone else who is asking questions (that's a good thing).
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Q: What is the age of belly button piercing in Texas?
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What is the age of belly button piercing in fallbrook?

Call your local piercing studio and ask them.

What is Legal age for belly button piercing in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, the legal age for getting a belly button piercing without parental consent is 18. Anyone under 18 would need parental permission to get a belly button piercing.

Which is better a Fake Belly button ring or a belly button piercing with a belly button ring?

clip-on fake belly button ring Seriously in this day and age of fake reality TV who likes posers? There are not a lot of piercing enthusiasts who like posers, if you want a piercing get a piercing but don't fake it. Rule of thumb if it's phony on the out side the inside can't be much better.

How old do you have do be to ge your belly button pierced?

Old enough to learn it's a "navel piercing" not a "belly button" piercing, we do not pierce belly buttons. The age is usually the age of majority, without parental consent, with parental consent it can be 16 years but this varies from state to state or province to province.

What is the legal age in California to get a belly button piercing without parental consent?

its 18 everywhere

Belly button piercing?

A belly button piercing,or naval piercing,is basically a piercing on the belly button. It can take about 4 to 6 months to heal after getting pierced. The legal age to get one depends on what state you live in. Most naval piercings are done in tattoo parlors or places that specialize in body piercings.

Legal age for Belly button piercing in Virginia?

16 if your parents sign with you. If they don't or wont, you have to be 18.

Where to get your belly button pierced when your tweleve years old?

The answer is; you don't. Your too young to spell your own age correctly so your hardly old enough to have a belly button piercing.

What is the minimum age to get a belly button piercing in Indiana?

in Indiana girls start to pierce their belly button very young I know a girl shes from Indiana and she got her's pierced when she was seven

What is the legal age to get a belly button piercing in Ireland?

Contact your local health protection/ inspection office they will be happy to advise you on the age requirements for your area.

How old do you how to be to get your belly button ring in New Jersey?

Contact your local body piercing studios in your area they will tell you what the age requirements are.

How can you get your belly button pierced at the age of 13 in pg county Maryland?

By having your parent or guardian go with you, and give their consent/approval for the piercing.