The improved M77 entered the market in 1985. The original M77 entered the market in 1968. Had yours been a standard serial number series, it would indicate VERY early 1985.HOWEVER, the "78-" series of actions were produced in massive numbers in 1978, as a hybrid of the two action designs, with an adjustable trigger only seen on that action series (serial numbers starting with "78-").
Your serial number falls roughly into the 1982-1983 date range, but it is impossible to definitively date these rifles. The 78 series actions were used from 1979 through 1991 (even after the M77 Mk II was introduced), primarily on varmint and competition models. But, the actions have been seen on other models as well.
Only the Ruger Records Department can properly identify rifles in the "78-" action series (and they can only verify the configuration in which they left the factory).
Contact Ruger Customer Service and ask for the phone number to their records department.
Ruger's web site has extensive sn data.
If the ruger site comes back up, you can check there sn database
Not currently cataloged.
100-1000 USD depending on specifics
Ruger's website has extensive sn data.
Depending on condition, and WHICH version of the M77, between $250 and $500.
Go to the Ruger website. Under Customer Service, Historical Data, Rifles, M77, and the serial number groups for each year are posted there.
Your Ruger model 77 dates to the year 1983 with the serial number that you have provided.
The Ruger website, under customer service, historical data, rifle, M77, will have the serial number ranges for each year of production.
Ruger has extensive sn data for their products on their website.