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Depending on the condition they range between $130.00 and $200.00 but I wouldn't sell it. I have had one for many years and you cannot ask for a better small caliber rifle. Very accurate and dependable.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

15 years Good condition

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What is the value of a model 552 remington 22 cal rifle?

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What years was the 552 22 cal rifle manufactured?

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Read the manual on:

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Just guessing- since you did not give us a brand name- Remington 552? If so, Remington;s are dated by a letter barrel code- 2 or 3 very small letters, LEFT side of barrel, just ahead of reciever. Please repost with BRAND of rifle, and if Remington, the letters.

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