Just guessing- since you did not give us a brand name- Remington 552? If so, Remington;s are dated by a letter barrel code- 2 or 3 very small letters, LEFT side of barrel, just ahead of reciever. Please repost with BRAND of rifle, and if Remington, the letters.
We need make, model, caliber, not serial number alone. Sorry
Your Browning BLR model rifle was made in the year 1969.
The year that the model 70 .222 cal Winchester rifle was made was in the year of 1936. However, this model continued to be made up until 2006.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1899.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1897.This is a very early made model 1894 rifle which was made in the third year of production.
Is your Winchester Rifle a Model 70 or a Model 94? Bert H.
Your winchester model 1892 rifle was made by winchester in 1923.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1940.
With the serial number provided,your Winchester model 1894 ranger rifle was made in the year 1992.
With the serial number that you ave provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1902.
It is model # A302688 made in the 1950ies
Your Winchester model 70 rifle was made in the year 1965.