Impossible to answer without knowing the finish, barrel length, sights, stock, condition, maker, accessories, box, papers, etc..
100-500 or so
Browning did not make the Model 70, Winchester did. Also, the serial number is not a valid Browning serial number for a 7mm Magnum rifle. Please doublecheck your information.
The 7mm Ultra Mag is a Remington cartridge. THE model 70 is a Winchester rifle. Winchester does not chamber the Model 70 For the 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag cartridge.
$100-$300, depending on excat model, markings and condition.
i just bought the same model at the big 5 with scope for about 425.00 good price synthitic thou it has a clip!?
Having trouble identifying the model. In 1979 (date indicated by your sn), Browning produces the BBR bolt-action rifle, the B78 single-shot and the BAR semiautomatic rifle in 7mm Remington Magnum, but none of those had that 117 designation. What type of rifle do you have?
100-1000 + depending on specifics
100-1000 USD
100-500 USD
100-450 USD
I don't know the value, but would love to own one.