all grass has thc in it stay green <3
No, it does not.
It depends on the specific strain and how they are made, but typically marijuana has a lower THC content compared to hashish. Hashish is made by extracting resin from the marijuana plant, concentrating THC levels, resulting in a higher potency than marijuana.
It dosent have one set THC level. It depends on how well each plant is grown
no, green crack s a 50/50, indica/sativa, kush is pure indica.
Call the cops for assistant.
mellow weed is weed with a los THC level.
To lower your THC level, you can drink plenty of water, exercise regularly to burn fat where THC is stored, and eat a diet high in fiber to help flush out THC metabolites through bowel movements. It is also important to avoid further cannabis use.
The highest level of THC found in cannabis strains can range from 25-30% and sometimes even higher in rare cases. High levels of THC can lead to stronger psychoactive effects and potential side effects.