never had it tested but im gonna guess it was in the 14-17 range. pretty obscure cut. havent seen it in some years now. smells like lemon merrange pie.
No, hash oil is much, much more potent than marijuana. Good weed has at least a 10% THC content, and the most potent weed on earth has around a 30% THC content. Hashish has about a 20% to 40% THC content, and hash oil has about a 70% THC content.
a really lot
It dosent have one set THC level. It depends on how well each plant is grown
No, the water content of snow cannot be determined simply by weighing it. It requires melting the snow and then measuring the volume of water that is produced. The water content of snow is calculated as the ratio of water volume to the initial snow volume.
You can determine the THC content in weed by looking at the labeling on the product, if available. Alternatively, you can get it tested at a lab that specializes in cannabis testing. Another method is to use at-home testing kits that can provide an estimate of the THC content.
8-15% Depending on growing conditions. The THC content is slightly lower than other "white" varieties because of the ruderellis genes. These genes also decrease the yield however enable the plant to auto-flower.
There are two basic types of snow: dry snow and wet snow. Dry snow has a lower water content and is powdery in texture, while wet snow has a higher water content and is denser and more compact.
No,"euphioria express" which i have never heard of,is not the strongest marijuna by THC content,The strongest marijuna strain is Manatuska Thunder F**k, from Alaska,grown indoors of course.Tested samples were 34% THC, by far higher than any other strains which are at the most 28-29% and those are only a few that have that much THC.
no - snow is all water and nothing else