This is stupid question as THC only comes from weed and it depends entirely on the type of weed and how its grown
Drinking more water than usual won't necessarily remove weed from your system, as THC (the active ingredient in weed) is stored in fat cells and persists despite hydration. The most effective way to clear THC from your system is through time, as it naturally metabolizes over days to weeks. Staying hydrated can aid in overall detoxification and help dilute urine for drug tests, but it won't directly eliminate THC.
To check the levels of THC in weed, you can use a testing kit specifically designed for this purpose. These kits usually involve using a small sample of the weed and a testing solution to determine the THC content. You can also send a sample to a laboratory for more precise and detailed testing.
The amount of THC in a single hit of weed can vary greatly depending on the strain, potency, and size of the hit. On average, a typical hit may contain anywhere from 1-10 nanograms of THC.
No, smelling unlit weed does not make you high. THC, the chemical compound responsible for the psychoactive effects of marijuana, needs to be heated and inhaled for it to have an intoxicating effect. Simply smelling unlit weed will not result in a high.
after inhaling the smoke of the pot, the smoke will lose majority of the THC contained but will always still THC. If you're asking this because you have a household pet then they will indeed be inhaling a small portion of your second hand THC.
Yes. Just not quite as much. lol
No, hash oil is much, much more potent than marijuana. Good weed has at least a 10% THC content, and the most potent weed on earth has around a 30% THC content. Hashish has about a 20% to 40% THC content, and hash oil has about a 70% THC content.
mellow weed is weed with a los THC level.
all grass has thc in it stay green <3
no, cuz the THC is produced when its biggerWhat the hell is 'Baby Weed'?
a higher dose of THC in weed
No. Time removes THC.
THC. Thats the stuff that gets you high.
dont smoke weed