model 600 was produced at the couple last years of this rifle so around 1974. before the model 600 was the 60 and before this it was "sure shot".
Best left to a gunsmith
You will have to have to have a gunsmith check it out. Chances are it won't.
It's date stamped see related links for info.
Around 1967 is my best guess. Canada did not require serial numbers until 1961. That was the year that Winchester bought Cooey, and continued manufacture until the mid 1970s. Unfortunately we do not have a public database on Cooey SNs.
The serial number is on the passenger side of the receiver, just rear of the barrel. If there is no serial number your cooey was manufactured before 1968, when no s.n. was required.
Best left to a good gunsmith
No, it is a bolt action.
. to remove the bolt on this model you must lower the tube assembly,there is a screw under the stock, remove stock first.
value is about $400-600 depending on condition and the date of manufacture is 1999
value depends on overall condition The value could be anywhere from $600-1000, depending on exact model, date of manufacture, condition, options, etc. Contact a local gun shop to get an estimate.
Depends on condition, from a $100 parts gun to a $1500+ new in the box. Any very good 12c is worth $500-600, jumping quickly nearer to mint. Oh and 1909 is the patent date, other then made after 1909 is has nothing to do with the date of manufacture. For manufacture date if it's after 1920 it will be date code stamped on the barrel see related links for information on the Remington Society of America, if there's no date code need serial to date it.