Europeans and Africans
The main BRITISH ports involved in the slave trade were London, Bristol and Liverpool.
350 years
The nations that did not participate were either the ones that had no overseas colonies or that had no trade fleet outside their own waters. Just to name a few: all landlocked countries like Austria, Bavaria and most other German nations; Prussia, Italy, Greece, Russia (although they held millions of serfs as near-slaves in their own country) and the Scandinavian countries. A shorter list is that of the main nations that were involved because of their American colonies or their big trade fleets: England first of all, Spain, Portugal and the Dutch Republic. Also worth mentioning: the Ottoman Empire, which during its existence probably traded and held as many slaves - Africans and Europeans - as the other nations combined.
In 1914 there was wild enthusiasm for the war in all of the main countries involved - including Germany.
The main countries involved were America, Britain and the West Africa.
Europeans and Africans
The main BRITISH ports involved in the slave trade were London, Bristol and Liverpool.
The slave trade triangle involved three main routes: Europe to Africa to acquire slaves, Africa to the Americas to sell slaves, and the Americas back to Europe with goods produced by slave labor. This triangular trade route facilitated the transatlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries.
To obtain goods and firearms from Europe
Many ports were involved but the main ones were, in order of importance : Liverpool, London and Bristol.
To obtain goods and firearms from Europe
350 years
350 years
350 years