You will have to call S&W. Othewise it will take researching @ 400 pages of material.
You will have to find a copy of The Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson and check each model number.
On the end label of the box.
Best all around reference is the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd ed., by Supica and Nahas.
Smith and Wesson's most popular revolver was the .38 Special, widely used by police officers, both in the United States and abroad.
A shotgun made for Smith and Wesson, sold under the Smith and Wesson name.
Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson
The Wesson part of Smith and Wesson.
Smith & Wesson was founded in 1852.
Smith and Wesson will tell you if you call them
Horace Smith, Daniel Wesson
a 629 in 7.5 inch ss unfluted cylinder
smith and Wesson (smith & Wesson) and Sig-Sauer