Call rich homie quan
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Rich Homie Quan is a/an Rapper,singer,songwriter
Rich Homie Quan was born on October 4, 1989
Rich Homie Quan was born on October 4, 1989
Dequantes Lamar is the real birth-name of an American rapper who is known by the stage name "Rich Homie Quan".
Yes Yes
yes in 2013
well its Rich Homie Jon hands down, he has plenty hits. I cant really see who's better than him. Rich Homie Quan made a diss about him, and Rich Homie Jon and Future came back and Rich Homie Quan retired from rapping.
Yes, because Future stole his ''flow''. See Quan and Future was cell mates, and Quan taught Future how to sing and rap like him. Future was release fom prison and startedd on his first album '' Streets Calling''.