a private chat is when you chat with someone privately while no one else can enter your room except by private invitation
private message
Chat services and chat clients that are located outside the United States are the safest to use to protect the conversation. ICQ and mIRC remain two of the safest chat programs for users that wish to keep their conversations private.
In the bottom left of your screen, there is a chat bar. click it to chat.
Chat Terra offers the services of chat rooms for spanish language speakers. From Sex themed chat rooms, to sports, games and cinema. Chat Terra even offers news and columns.
A chat room is designed so many people can comment and chat between each other at the same time. All members of the chat room can see all chats unless the settings are specifically changed for that chat.
There is no private chat in Instagram.
In order to private chat on blogTV, go to the viewer's list and double click the name of the person you want to chat with. Note that only registered users are allowed to initiate a private chat.
A new private chat room can be created from the XMB (while not in a game) by first selecting Friends List and there should be an option for Start New Chat. From there, selecting Voice chat will create a new private chat room.
Google chat is called talk and if friends only. So if you have the person on your friends list you can chat with them.If you are on or (which has talk enabled) then you can chat with anyone on or kut who has talk enabled. In order to chat with someone you have to invite them to chat with you. And it is a private chat between you and them but if you want to have other people join you in the same chat it will do a group chat.
To get out of the chat, press X.
doubt it..
The most popular video chat is OOVOO and its private because noboby can see your info unless you add them .
You cant schedule to private chat with Miley Cyrus, you have to wait until she comes on mileyworld and goes in a chat room. She hardly goes in the chat rooms so good luck seeing the user name mileycyrus in red in the chat rooms.
Private chat is when you can send something private to someone, but when you send it, no one else can see it, but only the person you send it to can see it. I'm only 8 years old, and that's all I know right now. I think that's what it means, hopefully.