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Pregnancy discharge, also known as leukorrhea, is a normal occurrence during pregnancy and typically increases in amount and changes in consistency compared to normal vaginal discharge. It is usually thin, milky white or clear, and may have a mild odor. The discharge is caused by increased estrogen levels and increased blood flow to the pelvic area, which leads to increased vaginal secretions.

It is important to note that pregnancy discharge should not have a strong odor, cause itching or irritation, or be accompanied by other symptoms such as burning during urination or pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider to rule out any infections or other underlying issues.


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Dr.U Sahoo

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7mo ago
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12y ago

its the same as any normal discharge usually don't expect nothing more than what you usually get then you wont be shocked by anything the only thing to worry about is blood discharge is fine as long as it not immense we all instinctively know the difference between an emergency and normal so don't stress pregnancy can do all sorts of strange stuff to our body's if worried don't be worried about popping into the maternity unit as it also gets you use to what to expect during labour :)

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It is milky and not sticky. It can be white or creamy

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I've seen on several websites that white or milky looking discharge or watery to mildly thick discharge is normal in pregnancy and usually is in abundance.

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Discharge, whether ovulating or pregnant tends to be clear to white and have no odd smell. Many say they have an increase of discharge with pregnancy. If your discharge seems different by either color or smell you should make a phone call to your doctor's office and speak with a nurse.

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I think that white discharge and cramping are symptoms of pregnancy. I had really bad cramps in the beginning of my pregnancy and very white discharge. I think that white discharge and cramping are symptoms of pregnancy. I had really bad cramps in the beginning of my pregnancy and very white discharge.

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yes i have lite white discharge

Is it normal to have white discharge in early pregnancy?

Yes very normal. In fact its a pregnancy symptom.

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Sounds more like an infection. Get it checked NOW!

Can discharge stop after 14 weeks pregnancy?

No, you always discharge. That is the vaginal cleaning system.

Colour of the vaginal discharge of periods during pregnancy?

vaginal discharge can vary in colour, thickness and amount during pregnancy. if you have any concerns see your doctor