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missionary position is what we high school kids like to call THE BEGINNER STAGE yeah thats basically when the boy is on to. i would say only do this position when he wanna do it. and some boys might call it drilling. lol cause he's digging deep in that PUSSY!!!!!

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Q: What is missionary position sex like?
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What does the term mish mean in sex?

Missionary Position!

What the best sex move to having a baby?

The missionary position is among the best sex positions to get pregnant faster. Though the missionary position is considered the optimal position for pregnancy, you can get pregnant by having sexual intercourse in any position.

What is the most common sex postion?

The Missionary position (he's on top of her).

Have you ever had missionary?

I presume you mean 'Have you ever had sex in the so-called missionary position?'. The answer is yes. The question could be read as asking if you have ever eaten a missionary.

What does the Bible say about the missionary position?

A:The 'missionary position' is never mentioned in the Bible. This name came about much later, because the Christian missionaries had sex with native women in a position that was unfamiliar to them.

What are the techniques of sex?

There are infinite techniques for sex. There is the missionary position, where the girl spreads her legs while she is on her back and the guy comes in. There is the "buck" position, where she does the missionary position and she puts her legs over the guy's shoulders. There is the cowgirl position, where she straddles your penis and puts it into her, while going up and down, like she's riding a horse. They all have some bending involved or some stretching. There are three common types of sex, they are: oral, anal, and vaginal sex. They all involve penetration of some kind. Anal sex positions that are the best are the doggy style position and missionary, the best vaginal position is the missionary position, and the best oral position is the 69, where the guy sucks on the girl's vagina while she sucks the guy's penis. You both feel pleasure at the same time. There are infinite possibilities with sex, just make sure that you BOTH want to have sex, or else IT'S RAPE!

How many positions are there?

There are many positions to enjoy sex. They are the missionary, the 69, lady on top, the side , the doggie style, standing position, the reverse missionary position with the lady on top.

What are some diff position for sex?

There is missionary sex, dogging sex, woman on to sex, shower sex... just look up sexual positions on

What is a womans favorite position?

Most woman like the missionary position. The missionary position is described as "man-on-top" & "woman-on-bottom" while they face each other lying down. The missionary position is highly erotic and intimate.

What is a girls favorite position during sex?

We are all individuals so ask her. Missionary with them on top. The position they crave is up against the wall!

When was The Missionary Position created?

The Missionary Position was created in 1995.

Who would want to do the missionary position and why?

Why not do the missionary position? It's a position just like all the others. Human beings are the only land mammals to have sex in this position, which is one more thing that separates us from the rest of the animals. While in the missionary position, both partners are facing each other which facilitates kissing and breast stimulation and allows both people to see each others facial expressions. I think those are all pretty good reasons.