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It depends largely on who has the tattoo. If it is being worn by a white supremacist than it probably is a designation of white supremacy and/or Nazism.

If it's being worn by someone who looks more like a hippie than a Nazi, then it is probably more symbolic of the original meaning of the swastika, which had nothing to do with Nazis or white supremacy. This is because in many Eastern faiths and cultures (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.) the swastika was and still is a symbol of peace and luck.

Contrary to modern Propaganda, the swastika was not invented by the Nazis, nor was it originally meant to be a symbol of hate. Unfortunately, one idiot with a bad mustache thought it would be a cool symbol to promote hatred, and now most Western cultures associate swastikas with hate.

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Q: What is meaning of swastika tattoo?
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What is a Swastika tattoo?

A tattoo of a Sawastika

Is it illegal to go into an tattoo shop and ask for an Swastika tattoo?

Yes it is totally legal to do that, go ahead:)

Is it illegal to get a swastika tattoo?

In many countries, displaying a swastika in public, including as a tattoo, can be considered a criminal offense due to its association with hate speech and promoting ideologies of hatred. It is important to be aware of the legal implications and societal consequences of getting such a tattoo.

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A swastika tattoo is often associated with white supremacy and neo-Nazi beliefs. It can symbolize hate, racism, and violence. Prison tattoos, including swastikas, can also indicate gang affiliation or allegiance within the prison system.

How can a person with swastika tattoo really be a Christian at heart?

Easily. Have a swastika as body art does not mean that person is not Christian. Swastikas were used as religious symbols long before the Nazis adopted them. Furthermore, a tattoo does not necessarily reflect a person's current beliefs. Many people have gotten tattoos that they have later regretted.

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When people get a tattoo, there is often meaning and remberance attached to the tattoo. The meaning of a pegasus tattoo is that of loyalty.

What is the first thing you think of when you see a swastika?

The first time most people see the swastika they think war, power, battle, others don't. But the real meaning of the swastika is "peace". Hitler first saw the swastika in church, as a child and then decided he would use the swastika later in his life.

If you live in Ontario and you want to get a swastika tattoo is it legal getting it because you find it interesting and support the fact that it is a religious peace symbol?

The swastika associated with Naziism is NOT a religious peace symbol. The religious Zoroastrian symbol is a cross with four arms facing a completely opposite direction than that of the Nazi swastika. Regardless of where one lives, there can be only one reason to choose the latter symbol as a tattoo, and it is reviled by all thinking people.

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'Wand tattoo' is German and means wall tattoo.

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Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.

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tattoo on her hand<that says om.okay?:)

What was the symbol for Hitler?

The swastika.