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Q: What is mamby pamby land?
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What is the definition of a jackwagon?

means you are a loser and that you have no self confidence and that you live in mamby-pamby land

What are the words to the Geico marine sergeant commercial?

you know what makes me sad? you do, maybe we need to jog down to mamby pamby land and get you some self confidence you jack waggon

When was Saoul Mamby born?

Saoul Mamby was born on 1947-06-04.

When was Namby Pamby created?

Namby Pamby was created in 1725.

Is the tekken 5 people real?

NO. Get your head out of namby-pamby land and back into reality. NONE OF THE TEKKEN CHARACTERS ARE REAL.

Is there a sentence including the word'namby-pamby'?

Ambrose Philips was the namby-pamby butt of 18th century poetic satire.

What are the words to the geico pothole commercial?

Oh no,your tire's all flat and junk. Oh did i do that? Here. let me get my cellular you a wrecker...Oh shoot, I got no phone..`Cause I'm a pothole...Soooo.....Kay bye! Ya'll need to learn hick talk. lol

What is a hink pink for a coward?

namby-pamby, yellow fellow

What is a namby-pamby person?

a namby-pamby person is someone who is weedy, anxious, a coward and just messing around all the time instead of being brave and getting down to the job.

What does the cowboy slang 'namby-pamby' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This meant sickly or sentimental. A cowboy would never send a namby-pamby valentine to another cowboy.

What makes a kid cute?

BIG eyes...a tiny nose, and a silly smile. Mamby with a bow or a cute little jacket

How did you learn in the 1960s?

You went to school and your teachers weren't forgiving, namby-pamby softies like they are today.