Oh no,your tire's all flat and junk. Oh did i do that? Here. let me get my cellular out...call you a wrecker...Oh shoot, I got no phone..`Cause I'm a pothole...Soooo.....Kay bye!
Ya'll need to learn hick talk. lol
Not sure -- but I wonder if it's Dayci Brookshire (voice of the pothole in the Geico commercials)?
are the paintings in the geico commercial real
I would start at Geico's website.
Stephanie Courtney
Chelese Belmont
The commercial is viewable on YouTube; see Related Link.
Not sure -- but I wonder if it's Dayci Brookshire (voice of the pothole in the Geico commercials)?
Dayci Brookshire (NY indie actress...her full resume is on IMDB).
No she's not. It's an actress out of NY who I know from college. IMDB credits Dayci Brookshire for the role.
Thanks for the info!!http://www.houstongoldandsilver.com/
pure adrenaline
The actress's name is Dayci Brookshire, and she can be found on IMDB.
The witch in the Geico Commercial is Jordana Oberman.
are the paintings in the geico commercial real
Nope...Dayci Brookshire (NY indie actress...her full resume is on IMDB).
Dayci Brookshire (NY indie actress...her full resume is on IMDB).
Pure adrenaline