pot is but its the one that stays longer in your system depending how often you smoke it.
drug is dangerous weather you are addicted or not. but if you are addictied it is more dangerous and deadly
Deadly drug Dangerous drug Destructive drug
Class A drugs are the drugs that are most dangerous for example cocaine. Class B drugs are the drugs that are mildly dangerous. Class C drugs are the drugs that are least dangerous for example cannabis.
because its dangerous.
Marijuana would be the least addicting ILLEGAL drug the least addicting pharmacuetical drug is allergy medicines.
Only if abused.
They are dangerous, because they have at LEAST 30,000 quills.
gregrio baltazar
The most addictive drug, which does the most damage to your body is heroin. To view a graph of drugs from least to most harmful, go to the link below. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_%28mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence%29_nl.svg