drug is dangerous weather you are addicted or not. but if you are addictied it is more dangerous and deadly
It's can be addictive, which is dangerous if you have a history of drug abuse, or any sign of an addictive personality.
no some could kill you dont play with that shxt
Schedule I drug
Heroin is a highly addictive drug. It is one of the most dangerous drugs there are. It's addictive. Don't even try it once.
If the glue is a strong glue, the inhalance most likely will become addictive. Also, it is very dangerous to your body. It is more mentally addictive than physically
All paint is dangerous but only if sniffed because it becomes addictive.
Nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes.
Is the drug inhalants addictive?
Not as addictive as P.
No, Crestor is not addictive.
Methamphetamine is a tremendously dangerous, addictive drug which you should not take under any circumstances. It is not good. Not ever.
Withdrawing from an addictive drug involves physical and psychological symptoms that are often difficult to overcome with sheer willpower alone. The body becomes dependent on the drug, causing intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms that can be overwhelming without proper support and treatment. Additionally, addiction affects the brain's reward system, making it challenging to simply "power through" the process without professional help.