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This is called "Adultery"


I think we called them " Adulterer."

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Q: What is it called when married people cheat?
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Why do men cheat with their wife best friend?

Men and women have sexual desires. Most can control their desires after they get married. Some cannot. There are married women who cheat, just as there are married men who cheat. Cheating is the exception. Most married people are faithful to their mate.

On Animal Crossing wild world what is the married cheat?

You cant get married :( There is no glitch/cheat code/hack for that, if there was, not many people would use it, because why would a animal marry an human.

Why do people still cheat if they are both happily married?

People who are happily married do not cheat. ANSWER: Simple they would never let their status gets on the way of what they want to do. From the recent survey, married man who is in happy marriage will also cheat to their wife. It's the challenge, excitement that they love. The power knowing women loves to be with them is what makes them excited.

Can married couples get HIV from each other?

Yes, if they cheat on each other with infected people.

On sims 2 castaway for ps2 is there a cheat to get married?

there is no cheat but there is a way to get married in a wierd way ...LOL

How many married men cheat?

ANSWER:In scale of 1=10, 65% of married men cheat.

Will men who cheat with married women cheat when they get married?

Most likely, once a cheater, always a cheater.

Why do married men wants to cheat with married women?

Some people feel that cheating with someone who is married does not require a lot of time and commitment. A married person may require less of someone elses time, because she is married.

Do married men cheat when working out of town?

No, not all married men cheat while out of a town, but some do. It's a gamble for the women associated with men who are out of town a lot that they will not cheat.

What is a cheat to get married on sims 2?

There is no cheat, if you want Sims to get married you build their relationship up to a romantic one and then have one of them propose.

Your husband cheat but he still want to be married?

he doesn't want to be married

At what age do you stop using Miss?

there is no age limit before you get married you are called a Miss when you get married you will be called Mrs:)some people say 25