In Australia, the number used to be 0419317446. However, this was disconnected in 2010.
The new number is 0456 REJECT (0456 735 328).
No, 252-676-9765 is a real telephone number. It is not a rejection hotline number.
The Party Line number is (602)-624-4444 for cell phones. For house phones the number is 62444444 ENJOY ;0
HQ for Hot TOPiC is 626-839-4682
The first line of an address is composed of the street address. The second line is used for any apartment or suite number.
1 800 286 4909
The number is 617-861-3962. In Australia, the number is 0456 REJECT (0456 735 328).
The rejection hotline is a fictional phone number that people give out as a funny way of politely declining unwanted advances. It's not a real hotline for providing support or assistance.
no. its their hot mail line. people just say its their number. i have it and called it and it even said its the hot line.
No, 252-676-9765 is a real telephone number. It is not a rejection hotline number.
In Australia, the number is 0456 REJECT (0456 735 328).
1-641-985-7888 is a rejection hotline.
The Fan number is 0800 567 326 (0800 Jordan)
The rejection hotline number for St. Louis is: 417-326-2677. This number is typically used as a joke. It is used to give to people who ask you for your number and you are not really interested in them.