No, 252-676-9765 is a real telephone number. It is not a rejection hotline number.
In Australia, the number used to be 0419317446. However, this was disconnected in 2010.The new number is 0456 REJECT (0456 735 328).
There are several phone numbers for the Fairmont Mission Inn, including a US reservation hotline: 1-800-257-7544, a non-US reservation hotline: 1-506-863-6310, and a toll-free number for the Fairmont President's Club: 1-800-663-757.
Customer service "hotline" is 1-800-228-9999 and claims "hotline" is 1-800-456-0227. Hope this was helpful.
Check effective date
Someone can contact life alert by going to their website for calling their hotline number (1-800-247-0000). If one has the life alert system, then using the device will directly contact them as well.
1-641-985-7888 is a rejection hotline.
The rejection hotline number for St. Louis is: 417-326-2677. This number is typically used as a joke. It is used to give to people who ask you for your number and you are not really interested in them.
Unfortunately, the rejection hotlines for California and other states have now been shut down.
The "Rejection hotline" term means, it is a program/phone number that was created in 2001 and it is a phone number that when you call it, it replies back saying "Hello, this is not the person you were trying to call." This number is usually given when you do not want to give your actual number out.
there are many for different area codes, but one of them is 201-808-6011
Forget her and move on, anyone who gives out a rejection number isn't worth ANY of your time.
Rejection hotline.the NY # is 212-479-7990
303 607 7527 if you call you will here my boo!!!!!!!! That's a rejection hotline not his real number
424-202-6983 California661-367-2388 California0456 REJECT (0456 735 328) in Australia
The rejection hotline is a fictional phone number that people give out as a funny way of politely declining unwanted advances. It's not a real hotline for providing support or assistance.
Well, darling, the rejection hotline number for the UK is 07786200690. So, if you're looking to let someone down gently without actually having to talk to them, give that number a ring. Just remember, rejection is never fun, but at least now you have a cheeky hotline to help you out.