The first cook means he cooks good meals and the second cook mean his body doesn't cook well! He found himself in a bit of a stew
Blue Apron is a better way to cook. Blue Apron sends all the ingredients for inventive yet simple weeknight meals to customers weekly. Guaranteed Fresh, people are getting back into the kitchen and enjoying cooking again!
It's "Natalie is a better cook than me." My wife, Natalie, says thank you. ;)
Yes, the subjective pronoun "I" is correct as the subjectof the second part of the compound sentence following the conjunction "than" (Natalia is a better cook than I am.) The verb "am" is inferred.If word "than" is functioning as a preposition, the objective pronoun is used (Natalia is a better cook than me.)
Sense of humor is not determined by gender but rather varies among individuals regardless of sex. Cultural stereotypes may suggest men have a better sense of humor, but humor preferences and ability are unique to each person.
because the elephants got a good sense of humor...
One expression describing a person who pretends to be morally better than he really is is "a whited sepulchre".
Yes! They lose potency when you cook them.
You must use THAN with comparisons. The Pronoun is YOU. THEN is a totally different word.
No difference.
DAVID ARCHULETA IS THE BETTER SINGER. EVEN BETTER THAN DAVID COOK!!! but their both hot..................................just kidding their both not hot but if i had to say wich one i would have to say david archuleta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a sense, Misha crossdresses. When he renewed his vows to Victoria, she was in a suit and he was in a dress (along with other times). But, his fashion sense is more an expression of his sense of humor than of self.
Because they have a sense of humor retard