The Master Cleanse diet claims to be a way to lose weight and detoxify one's body. The basic feature of this diet is the combination of lemon juice, maple syrup, and Cayenne pepper.
The master cleanse diet is a form of fasting, where you consume large amounts of juice. More information on the Master Cleanse Diet can be found on the Wikipedia website.
There is a specific cleanse diet, called the master cleanse diet. It is supposedly the only safe one to do.
vegatbles This is not true, the Master Cleanse Diet is only drinking the lemonade. No foods at all. Just the juice..
There are many sites out there that have info on it but not all the information is 100% correct. If you want real information on it check out the master cleanse diet website.
Yes, the master cleanse works dramatically. You just have to work at it with the pure lemonade.
It is recommended that while you are on the Master Cleanse diet you do not do intense Cardio workouts. Some basic lifting or normal exercise will be great but nothing to extreme is recommended.
The Detox diet is an excellent cleansing diet and can be found at You can also try the Master Cleanse diet at
Diet master cleanse? Well, the best diet is good exercise and healthy food, like fruits and vegetables. There is an acai berry cleanse that I have used that does wonders for constipation, and it also boasts that it cleanses your body. Maybe that's what you're looking for?
the master cleanse diet
There are at least three diets similar to the Master Cleanse diet which was made famous by celebrities like Beyonce in 2006. These diets include: Ultra Simple Diet, Green Smoothie Diet, and Fruit Flush.
Yes there are. Check this:,
The colon cleanse diet is a good start to a regular diet and exercise program. You can start a diet with a colon cleanse to get rid of all the fatty foods you've eaten before starting a new diet.