waterproof is when you can put water on it nothing is going to happen
Showerproof beads water off but is not puddle-proof
Roof water resistance is your roof's resistance to rain where waterproof asphalt felt is the actual waterproof material.
Waterproof mascara is different from regular mascara. Waterproof mascara is made so that if your face gets wet, it won't run as easily. So if you want to go swimming, will be crying a lot, or be in the rain your best bet is to go with waterproof mascara.
Waterproof that if water gets on something it wont hurt it and weather proof is if something is in the weather it won't mess it up. I think that's what weather proof means
The Fuji waterproof camera can go up to 14.2 megapixles. It is available with less, so it depends on what you are looking for in a camera. There is about $100 difference between the two.
marc mesh is softer then hard mesh it also is easier to break in and it is waterproof
Commercial ply is stronger than normal ply. Waterproofed ply is waterproofed and commercial ply is stronger but not necessarily waterproof.
There is a difference between waterproof speakers and underwater speakers. Waterproof speakers can be left out in your garden for example and will not be damaged by rain or the elements. If you are wanting to install speakers in your pool, you will require underwater speakers. The depth of the speaker installation would depend on the speakers you purchase.
Natalie M. Jukes has written: 'To investigate the effect of repeated washing on the showerproof properties of a selection of fabrics'
Gore-Tex is made out of waterproof fabric that is breathable. Nylon is made out of synthetic polymers. It was first produced on February 28, 1935.
Water resistant watches can withstand rain and shallow immersion in water for a short time, while waterproof watches will withstand immersion in water at a depth that is under pressure. The safe depth of immersion in meters is usually marked on the face of the watch, somewhere.
Some handheld Garmin gps units are waterproof, some are not. This makes a difference in the cost of the unit. Check out their website to see what they offer. http://www.garmin.com/garmin/cms/site/us