In nfs data is transfer in plain text formate but In nis data is transfer in encrypted formate.
For creating file servers on network try out NFS and for user authentication you acan try NIS.
NIS (Network Information Service) provides centralized user authentication and authorization for NFS (Network File System) clients, reducing the administrative overhead of managing multiple user accounts across multiple systems. This integration allows users to access NFS resources without having to manage separate user accounts on each NFS server.
Nfs underground 2
Nis Staack is 180 cm.
NIS stands for new Israeli shekel.
No, nfs run is like more 3D-ish and exciting. i would rather prefer Nfs Run.
Nis Jessen has written: 'Hun forsvandt'
Nis Staack was born in 1975, in Glostrup, Denmark.
"A-nis a daonnan" is Scottish Gaelic for "now and always."
NFS stands for Need For Speed.
I think you can do nfs over ssh somehow.
NFS Carbon