Weight loss happens when you eat less calories than you use up.
If you have weight to lose, this is probably a good thing.
But if you eat a lot less calories than you need, your body might go into "energy saving mode".
You get cold, slow and tired.
Your immune system weakens.
Eventually, you start breaking down muscle tissue to remain alive.
You get emaciated.
Ultimately you starve to death.
Yes! If you eat you take in calories. If you exercise, you burn calories. The problem is that many people eat too much and exercise too little.
NoT tOo MaNy & NoT tOo LiTtLe...
There is no advantage.
usually very slowly, and always too little too late...
Not exactly, it is caused by the cells actually freezing and dying.
Calories are good for you as long as you take a reasonable amount of it. Too much and the body will store it as fat. Too little and your body slows down metabolism and starts to break down muscle.
It is too simplistic because not everyone who has too much dopamine or too little serotonin develops a disease, and because factors other than neurotransmitters influence those diseases.
Eight hundred calories per day will be fine for a very young child between approximately 5 to 12 months. However, 800 calories per day would be far too few for an adult or teenager.
Yes, the calorie monitors will tell you how many calories you should eat for your age, weight, gender, and height. They tell you how many calories are too much or too little.
Yes, you're under eating.
Obesity is normally caused by eating too many calories and not getting enough exercise for a long period of time.