A national study suggests that low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users' lungs than exposure to tobacco.
== == Eminem used to do smoke in the past, like marijuana, but he doesn't smoke anymore. Not marijuana or cigarettes.
yes he does he does not smoke cigarettes but he does smoke marijuana and drink alcohol
No they stick to cigarettes and alcohol.
Not necessarily, however it does increase your high.
Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.
No it dont it makes you feel amazing and thn you smoke a menthol right after and it maks your buzz ten times better!SMOKE POT
weed gets you stoned cigarettes dont get you high cigarettes suck! also if you smoke marijuana with a bong or a vapo its much healther; (most people for get that when compairing the two.)
Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.
Actor Shawn Wayans does not smoke cigarettes. He has also gone on record saying he doesn't smoke marijuana. Him and his brother Marlon prefer a drink.
WEEDS... haha ... <<MARIJUANA>>
You are correct all smoke is harmful, but between these too, cigarettes and marijuana. Marijuana is least harmful.I hope this has helped you.