No it dont it makes you feel amazing and thn you smoke a menthol right after and it maks your buzz ten times better!SMOKE POT
Yes. anything you smoke or inhale can infect your lungs.
A national study suggests that low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users' lungs than exposure to tobacco.
does a cigarettes affect the lungs \
Marijuana is harder on your lungs, but given time, you can get lung cancer from both. Cigarettes are legal, Marijuana is usually not. From a health perspective Cigarettes have more known and proven health concerns than Marijuana.
It can have the same effects of cigarettes, you are still inhaling toxins into your lungs. Though marijuana is not nearly as harmful as cigarettes that is probably the worst way it can physically harm you. Unless you get so high and try to drive a car and get in a wreck... your motor functions are never very good when smoking marijuana.
The chief legitimate concern is the effect of smoking on the lungs
Inhaling smoke from anything is bad for your lungs and kills brain cells, whether it be from cigarettes, marijuana, or your bbq grill.
what do cigarettes do to your lungs ? by khiana
cigarettes use tobacco which is horrible for your lungs,teeth,mouth and it only gives u a head rush, marijuana gives you the best feeling ever and it is bad for your memory, and lungs (not as bad for your lungs as tobacco)
Cigarettes contain many harmful ingredients like Tar, Arsenic (which is a poison), Nicotine (this is what makes you addicted to the cigarette) etc. The effect to the respiratory system varies from how much and the period of time you have been smoking. The damage to the respiratory system is the Alvoli in your lungs (Look like little sacs in your lungs) die and your lungs go black from the tar in the cigarette.
Smoking it hurts our lungs, growing it boosts our economy. It's very complicated, but I can assure you that I'd rather smoke weed than cigarettes.
your lungs. quit smoking.. very bad for you.