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Homosexual.. Im a girl. Girls are kinda hot!

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Q: What is another way to say im lesbian?
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How do you say im lesbian in french?

"I'm lesbian" in French is "je suis lesbienne."

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absolutely. im a lesbian and i say so.

What is another way to say worked out?

accomplish, achieve, complete

What is another way to say Im doing awesome?

Because we are super cool and have amazing personalities

What do you do im a guy in love with a girl and her best friends a lesbian and you cant get the courage to tell her your feelings and im afraid that she will become a lesbian what should you do?

tell her how you feel. It may seem scary and awful, but it's the only way you're going to get what you want. An answer. And if she likes you, and you never say anything the chances of her going gay increase. speak up!

How do you tell your mum you are a lesbian?

Just kind of catch her alone and say: Look, Im a lesbian. Get over it. If your mum loves you, she will think nothing about it but be happy you have finally found love (L)

Hi your 13 a curious lesbian and want to kiss your friend a girl but first you want to flirt with her how would you flirt with her in a way she doesn't know im a les or flirting?

First get to know her better than figure out if she is a lesbian too, if so ask her to...... you know what I'm going to say.

I feel like im completely lesbian but im really confused I dont know what to do?

Some people get confused about sexaulity, so you have to decide what way you want to be.

What should you do if your lesbian friend tells you that you are cute enough to convert a lesbian to be straight for one night?

It's just an expression to tell you that you're very beautiful and you know how girls are and beauty they can make guys turn heads! == == im thinking she might want to have sex with you but dont do it!! I agree with the previous answer completely JeepAmerica I think that if you feel that ur a lesbian, tell her the same thing. But if your not then just say im not a lesbian and were friends, End of story. I say just say aww ur to sweet and the have sex

If im a lesbian and you want a girlfriend where can you find one?

I'm a lesbian as well, maybe if you put your age and where youre from you might meet someone on here? xxxx im also a lesbian, im 14 and live in iowa, anyone close ?

what should i get my gf?

im thinking a lululemon bag

What is the another word for behave in a very indirect way?

Im England we might say 'watch it' rather than 'behave'