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I'm a lesbian as well, maybe if you put your age and where youre from you might meet someone on here? xxxx

im also a lesbian, im 14 and live in Iowa, anyone close ?

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Q: If im a lesbian and you want a girlfriend where can you find one?
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How do you not be jealous of your lesbian friends girlfriend?

Think of all of the bad things about the girlfriend and find yourself one who is better!

I'm a 13 year old lesbian who lives in Liverpool and I really want a girlfriend anyone know where I can find one?

I'm 13 and i live 25 minutes away from Liverpool!

Where can you find a 13 year old lesbian if you don't have an email address?

I am to and want to find one to

Did you have a girlfriend in school?

not yet but alot of girls hit on me No I don't... I'm a girl, not a lesbian, and don't want one. I don't even have a boyfriend... but I wish I did... a boyfriend that is.... =)

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Nikki minaj dosent have one

On which websites can one find lesbian fiction?

One can find lesbian fiction on various websites like GoodRead and AutoStraddle. One could also go to a local comic book store and ask if they have lesbian fiction for sale.

How do you get your lesbian girlfriend back?

The first thing is to know that they are the one you want to be with. If they don't want you back, that's their loss not yours. And I'm sure you will find the right person someday.

Find a girlfriend in Iran why do you want to do such a silly thing i advise you to be happy without girls?

There are several ways one can find a girlfriend in Iran. You can go to church, parties, or even online sites.

I am a lesbian and i want to know what do i have to do to get my girlfriend to love me?

Nothing! Just be yourself and, definetely, don't force her to love you.. if it still doesn't happen, the way is forget her and try find your true love..'cause one thing is certain: unrequited love isn't love, it's just a simple ilusion :)

Does russy want a girlfriend?

Russell Simmons the 2 does not want a girlfriend. but i think he need one

Where can one find pictures of lesbian couples licking ice cream cones?

One can find pictures of lesbian couples licking ice cream cones in many places. Many different websites host pictures of lesbian couples licking ice cream cones. One easy way to find them is to search google or bing.

Do Jacob latimore want a girlfriend?

Yes Jacob Latimore does want a girlfriend. He says he wants a girl that can make him laugh, have a nice personality and someone who just wants to have fun. He still is trying to find the right one