Hemp, Cannibis Sativa, Cannabis Indica.
its not
Cody Tyler Calloway of Knoxville Tennessee discovered the cannibis in the early 30's.
Marijuana is a plant and is composed of hundreds of chemicals. Perhaps you are thinking of cannibis?
releave pain, BUT there is still damage being done to you, cannibis has been proven to help cancer pain.
Because it can give you hallucinations
its the casual cannibis.
Cannibis stativa. While cannibis indica isa more glued to the couch feeling.
Kid Cannibis was a super hero better known as Alex Nelson. He was originally an ordinary dope dealer until he was bitten by a radioactive nug of weed and became Kid Cannibis. Dis nig was physically a true OG kush killer. SINCERELY, DAT NIG Sylvia.
No, that is just a stoner bs myth, it does not work.
Cannibis is a plant not a religion. Some Rastafarians use the plant as a drug in Jamaica.
"Easy Bee" is the common name for a species of honey bee know as Apis cannibis sativa. Although no longer common, since the illegalification of cannibis sativa, "Easy Bee" once was prolific throughout North America and was known to pollinate the marijuana plant. "Easy Bee" loved da flava of da sticky-wicky diggity dank, purple, crystally stamens of Cannibis sativaand would also swarm to the smell of its smoke. "White Cloud" became another local slang term for Apis cannibis sativa, because as marijuana worshippers would smoke the herb, a great white cloud of smoke would form around them and then "Easy Bee" would show up to hang and love on the dopity-dope. "Easy Bee" is a very mellow honey bee that enjoys hanging out with hive-mates, listening to Reggae, and loves to pollinate. On the down side, their numbers have decreased, not only due to illegalification of Cannibis sativa, but also due to a very huge appetite, short-term memory problems, and poor motivation. Despite these downsides, we still love "Easy Bee" and hope their numbers rise again, once the Man is no longer hatin' on da kind and de-illegalificate it. Peace.