viewer, watcher, voyeur
Joe Ingenito has: Played Ogler in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Played Various in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Played Prisoner in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Played Paramedic in "Saturday Night Live" in 1975. Played Detective in "New York Undercover" in 1994.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -GL-R. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter G and 3rd letter L and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: ogler
English-language words include: oater occur ocher odder odour offer ofter ogler oiler older order Oscar osier other otter outer owner oxter These results were produced by the crossword engine found online at:
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -G-ER. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter G and 4th letter E and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: agger egger ogler
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -GLER. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter G and 3rd letter L and 4th letter E and 5th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: ogler
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern O-LE-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter O and 3rd letter L and 4th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: ogled ogler ogles oiled oiler oller orles owled owler owlet
Hard one! So far I have: banger bangle belong bagel baler barge blare boner bale bane bang bare barn bean bear bole bone bong bora bore born brag bran angler abler algae alone angle areal able ager alga anal area nobler noble galore garble glare glean globe groan gale garb gear glob gore grab longer labor lager large learn loner lane lean lobe loge lone long lore orange ogler ogle ogre oral rage rang real roan robe role earl earn elan
hl hg hr re el la te at go he lah age lat lea let leg hag hat log hoe hog hot het hao oar tea tar tag rot teg toe tor too tog roe rho oat goo lot ola ore ret rat rag loo lag art erg get eta gel ear ego eat era gat are ago ale gal gar oreo loge logo rale rage gale lore ogle oath ogre ergo oral oleo loth real aloe tear teal alto toea toga tore tool tole taro tare root role rhea gaol rota rote tale tael rotl rate loot gear hate hoot goal hart goat hero hole gelt ghat heat hear heal hoar geta gate hare goer gore lath grot halt halo late great grate atole helot groat heart aglet alert argot thole throe hater alter gloat haler glare ergot large ogler gator largo later loath lathe goral orate lager other ratel hotel lerot regal earth looter lather galoot gaoler legato gather hooter harlot retool loathe halter rootle rootage rathole loather
oaken, oakum, oared, oases, oasis, oasts, oaten, oater, oaths, oaves, obeah, obeli, obese, obeys, obias, obits, oboes, obole, oboli, obols, occur, ocean, ocher, ochre, ochry, ocker, ocrea, octad, octal, octan, octet, octyl, odahs, odder, oddly, odeon, odeum, odist, odium, odors, odour, odyle, odyls, offal, offed, offer, often, ofter, ogams, ogees, ogham, ogive, ogled, ogler, ogles, ogres, ohias, ohing, ohmic, oidia, oiled, oiler, oinks, okapi, okays, okehs, okras, olden, older, oldie, oleic, olein, oleos, oleum, olios, olive, ollas, ology, omasa, omber, ombre, omega, omens, omers, omits, oncet, onery, onion, onium, onlay, onset, ontic, oohed, oomph, oorie, ootid, oozed, oozes, opahs, opals, opens, opera, opine, oping, opium, opsin, opted, optic, orach, orals, orang, orate, orbed, orbit, orcas, orcin, order, ordos, oread, organ, orgic, oribi, oriel, orles, orlon, orlop, ormer, ornis, orpin, orris, ortho, orzos, osier, osmic, osmol, ossia, ostia, other, ottar, otter, ottos, ought, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, ourie, ousel, ousts, outby, outdo, outed, outer, outgo, outre, ouzel, ouzos, ovals, ovary, ovate, ovens, overs, overt, ovine, ovoid, ovoli, ovolo, ovule, owing, owlet, owned, owner, owsen, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, oyers, ozone182 words found.
opera opens order older oaken, oakum, oared, oases, oasis, oasts, oaten, oater, oaths, oaves, obeah, obeli, obese, obeys, obias, obits, oboes, obole, oboli, obols, occur, ocean, ocher, ochre, ochry, ocker, ocrea, octad, octal, octan, octet, octyl, odahs, odder, oddly, odeon, odeum, odist, odium, odors, odour, odyle, odyls, offal, offed, offer, often, ofter, ogams, ogees, ogham, ogive, ogled, ogler, ogles, ogres, ohias, ohing, ohmic, oidia, oiled, oiler, oinks, okapi, okays, okehs, okras, olden, older, oldie, oleic, olein, oleos, oleum, olios, olive, ollas, ology, omasa, omber, ombre, omega, omens, omers, omits, oncet, onery, onion, onium, onlay, onset, ontic, oohed, oomph, oorie, ootid, oozed, oozes, opahs, opals, opens, opera, opine, oping, opium, opsin, opted, optic, orach, orals, orang, orate, orbed, orbit, orcas, orcin, order, ordos, oread, organ, orgic, oribi, oriel, orles, orlon, orlop, ormer, ornis, orpin, orris, ortho, orzos, osier, osmic, osmol, ossia, ostia, other, ottar, otter, ottos, ought, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, ourie, ousel, ousts, outby, outdo, outed, outer, outgo, outre, ouzel, ouzos, ovals, ovary, ovate, ovens, overs, overt, ovine, ovoid, ovoli, ovolo, ovule, owing, owlet, owned, owner, owsen, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, oyers, ozone
3-letter wordsego, erg, gel, gey, ghi, gie, gip, gor, gyp, heh, hep, her, hey, hie, hip, hoe, hog, hop, hoy, hyp, ire, leg, lei, ley, lie, lip, log, lop, lye, oil, ole, ope, ore, peg, peh, per, phi, pie, pig, ply, poh, poi, pol, pro, pry, pye, reg, rei, rep, rho, rig, rip, roe, rye, yeh, yep, yip4-letter wordselhi, ergo, girl, giro, gley, glop, goer, gore, gorp, gory, grey, grip, gyre, gyri, gyro, heil, heir, help, herl, hero, high, hire, hoer, hole, holp, holy, hope, hype, hypo, lehr, lier, lire, loge, logy, lope, lore, lory, lyre, ogle, ogre, oily, orgy, orle, oyer, peri, pier, pile, pily, plie, ploy, pogy, pole, poly, pore, prey, prig, prog, pyre, rely, repo, riel, rile, ripe, roil, role, rope, ropy, yelp, yipe, yogh, yogi, yore5-letter wordsephor, girly, glory, glyph, gripe, gripy, grope, heigh, helio, holey, hoper, hoyle, hyper, liger, loper, ogler, oiler, oriel, peril, phyle, pirog, plier, plyer, pogey, poler, porgy, prole, reoil, reply, riley, roily, ropey6-letter wordsephori, epilog, gopher, gorily, gripey, higher, highly, hirple, holier, logier, proleg, pylori, ripely, ropily8-letter wordshypergol, rheophil10-letter wordshieroglyph