oaken, oakum, oared, oases, oasis, oasts, oaten, oater, oaths, oaves, obeah, obeli, obese, obeys, obias, obits, oboes, obole, oboli, obols, occur, ocean, ocher, ochre, ochry, ocker, ocrea, octad, octal, octan, octet, octyl, odahs, odder, oddly, odeon, odeum, odist, odium, odors, odour, odyle, odyls, offal, offed, offer, often, ofter, ogams, ogees, ogham, ogive, ogled, ogler, ogles, ogres, ohias, ohing, ohmic, oidia, oiled, oiler, oinks, okapi, okays, okehs, okras, olden, older, oldie, oleic, olein, oleos, oleum, olios, olive, ollas, ology, omasa, omber, ombre, omega, omens, omers, omits, oncet, onery, onion, onium, onlay, onset, ontic, oohed, oomph, oorie, ootid, oozed, oozes, opahs, opals, opens, opera, opine, oping, opium, opsin, opted, optic, orach, orals, orang, orate, orbed, orbit, orcas, orcin, order, ordos, oread, organ, orgic, oribi, oriel, orles, orlon, orlop, ormer, ornis, orpin, orris, ortho, orzos, osier, osmic, osmol, ossia, ostia, other, ottar, otter, ottos, ought, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, ourie, ousel, ousts, outby, outdo, outed, outer, outgo, outre, ouzel, ouzos, ovals, ovary, ovate, ovens, overs, overt, ovine, ovoid, ovoli, ovolo, ovule, owing, owlet, owned, owner, owsen, oxbow, oxeye, oxide, oxids, oxime, oxims, oxlip, oxter, oyers, ozone
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Some 5 letter words that begin with T:tabbytabletabletackytaffytainttakentalontapirtardytarrytastetaunttawnyteachteenyteethtempotenortensetepeetepidtersethanktheftthemetherethesethickthiefthinethingthinkthirdthongthornthreethrewthrobthrowthumbtidaltigertighttinkletitletoasttokentongstoothtopictorchtotaltouchtoughtracetracktradetrailtraintraittramptrashtreattrialtribetricktriketrouttrucktrunktrusttruthtuliptumortwist
Here are some positive words that begin with the letter E:EagerEasygoingEducatedEfficientElegantEloquentEnabledEnchantingEncouragingEnergeticEnlightenedEntertainingEnthusiasticEthicalExcitedExcitingExperiencedExpert
Incompetent and ignorant are mean words. They begin with the letter i.
Some five letter words that begin with "Pu" are pulse, punky, and purse.
Some five letter words that start with K are:kabobkaputkarmakayakkazookelly (green)ketchkhakikiddokinkykioskkittyklutzknackknavekneadkneelknifeknockknollknownkoalakookykrautkrill
· yacht · yeast
Some five letter words that begin with L are:laborladlelapellapselassolatchlatheleaseleastleaveleechlemonlevelleverlightlimitliterlitheliverlocallooselotuslunchlurchlucky
video and vodka
Some examples of five-letter words that begin and end with the same letter are: radar, level, civic, minim, and kayak.
· snail · snake · sneak · snore
Only one word: reink